Baku If you have not seen ... I was told by a friend: "You, old man, probably crazy! I understand your sympathy - sorry - I can not. You regret you stand - What are you delusional? What do you groan? What is damn doldonit about Baku Baku, Baku? " He told me: "I bathed in the winter in the Red Sea, ate in Japan lemons, lived on the banks of the Rhine. Was in the south, in the east - a little, then a long time, so I laugh delight about Baku Baku, Baku ... " I told a friend: "What, the train on the planet, You learned burly wind saw it, I saw it ... But why hurt yourself? Well you still Baku have not seen! Baku If you have not seen - What then did you see? What? Баку иф йю хэв нот син Ай вос толд йю э фрэнд Йю олд мэн пробэбли крэйзи Ай андэрстэнд йю симпати Сори я кян нот Йю регрет йю стэнд Вот а йю дэлюжэнал Вот ду ю грон Вот из дамн долдонайд Эбаут баку Баку Баку Хи толд ми
Our home rules
1. Always be polite, friendly and sociable
2. Put all things in their place!
3. Always make your bed and keep the flat tidy
4 Don't litter in the apartment and do not leave dirty dishes behind
5 Be creative, positive and helpful.
6. Do your home duties properly
7. Don't waste water and electricity
8. Take an active part in family activities and entertainment
1. Всегда будь вежливым, дружелюбным и общительным
2. Клади всё на свои места!
3. Всегда заправляй постель и поддерживай в квартире чистоту
4 Не мусорить в квартире и не оставлять грязную посуду за собой
5 Будь креативным, позитивным и другим;
6. Хорошо выполняй свои домашние обязанности
7. Экономь воду и электричество
8. Принимай активное участие в семейных делах и отдыхе