1. Tomorrow at 8 pm you are having a meeting with Mr Donnovan, but probably he`ll be free at 7. In that case shall i reschedule your meeting and tell you beforehand? (ответ - предупредите меня)
2. I dont want to try this salad. It doesnt look yummy\appetizing. (ответ - это определенно стоит того)
3. Would you like to open a new subsidiary in our town or somewhere outside? (ответ-предпочтительно, за городом\в деревне)
4.Mom, i cant find my favourite toy in my room. (ответ - давай посмотрим\поищем)
5.I really enjoyed that overnight at your house with your younger brother. Probably we can go to the cinema together tomorrow? (ответ - мы не будем против)
6. As far as I remember you didnt like spending time with Karen. (ответ-я поменял свое мнение (о ком-то\чем-то))
7.I'll go crazy soon if I don't decide what to give my wife for her birthday party. (ответ-как насчет, скажем, кольца или ожерелья?)
8. I was expecting Walker` twins to attend our kid-glove affair. (ответ - ни одна из них не пришла)
9. Who was that lady you were talking with during lunch? (ответ-она наш туристический агент)
10.What should I do with that old filthy coat I found in our attic? (ответ-избавься от него)
yourselves (не уверен)