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21.06.2021 02:12 •  Английский язык

Parts of a building нужен превод almost everybody saw the construction of a building and followed its progress with interest. first the excavation is dug for the basement, then the foundation walls below ground level are constructed; after this the framework is erected and clothed with various finishing materials and protected by several coats of paint. the part upon which the stability of the structure depends is the framework. it is intended for safety carrying the loads imposed. the floors, walls, roofs and other parts of the building must be carefully designed and proportioned. the architect or designer must decide what the size of the walls, the floors, the beams, the girders and the parts, which make up the framework, will be and how they will be placed and arranged. here are the main parts of a building and their functions. foundations serve to keep the walls and floors from contact with the soil, to guard them against the action of frost, to prevent them from sinking and settling which cause cracks in walls and uneven floors. floors divide the building into stories. they may be either of timber or may be constructed of a fire-resisting material. walls are built to enclose areas and carry the weight of floors and roofs. the walls may be solid or hollow. the materials used for the walls construction can be brick, stone, concrete and other natural or artificial materials. roofs cover the building and protect it from exposure to the weather. they tie the walls and give strength and firmness to the structure.

Почти каждый видел процесс стройки и наблюдал за ним с интересом. Сначала копается место ( дословно - раскопки вырываются) для фундамента, затем возводятся стены ниже уровня земли, после этого возводится каркас (основание), покрывается (отделывается) различными отделочными материалами, и она защищена несколькими слоями краски.
Часть, от которой зависит стабильность структуры, это каркас.Он предназначен для безопасного несения (поддержания) наложенных нагрузок (грузов). Полы, стены, крыши и другие части здания должны быть аккуратно спроектрированы и распределены.
Архитектор или дизайнер должен решить какой будет размер стен, полов, брусьев, балок и частей, которые составляют каркас, и как они будут расположены и установлены.
(Здесь) главные части здания и их функции.
Основание служит для держать стены и полы от контакта с почвой, для их защиты от мороза, предотвратить их от падения и расселения, которое приводит к трещинам в стенах и неровных полах.
Полы делят здание на этажи. Они могут быть как и из древесины, так и из огнеупорного материала. Стены строятся для огорождения территории и поддержки веса потолков и крыш. Стены могут быть сплошными или полыми. Материалы используемые для конструкции стен могут быть кирпич, камень, бетон и другие природные или искусственные материалы.
Крыши покрывают здание и защищают его от незащищенности от погоды. Они связывают стены и придают силу и прочность структуре.
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Here are some instructions for you, 
if it so happens that you are in the jungle: 
First of all, you should use mosquito repellent cream;  
Second, you should find a place, where you are going to stay.
Third, you should make а tent and a bed.
Then, you must look for some animal to kill or for some other edible things. 
After that you must make a fire for cooking food, keeping yourself warm and for keeping the wild animals away.
Note: to find water you should look for animals' paths and follow them: 
wild animal paths usually lead to some water sources.

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4,5(21 оценок)
1. Российская Федерация - Россия (по конституции) The Russian Federation - Russia is the official name of our homeland
2. There are 21 republics in Russian Federation (Adygea, Altai, Bashkortostan, Buryatia, DAgestan, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Kalmykia, Karachay-Cherkessia, Karelia, Komi, Mari El, Mordovia, Sakha (Yakutia), North Ossetia-Alania, Tatarstan, Udmurtia, Tuva (Tyva), Khakassia, Chechnya, Chuvashia)
3. Boris Yeltsin was the first Russian President
4. constitution is the highest law of Russia
5. Dmitry Medvedev is the Russian President at the moment. The Prime Minister is Vladimir Putin
6. Russia stopped being a monarchy and became a republic in 1917
7. Moscow is the capital of Russia. It's the biggest city of Russia.
8. St-Petersburg, Vladivostok, Novosibirsk
9. Yes, it is
10.The Altai Mountains are a mountain range in central Asia, where Russia, China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan come together. The Caucasus are situated in the south-west of Russia.
11. The Lena is situated in the northeastern Siberia. The Ob is situated in western Siberia. There are many rivers in Russia. Their nemes are the Volga, the Kama, the Terek, etc
12. The country is washed by the Pacific and Artic oceans and by the Baltic, the Black and the Azov seas
13. Lake Baikal is the world's deepest, purest, most ancient and most capacious freshwater lake. Lake Baikal alone contains over one fifth of the world's fresh surface water
14. There were many impotant events in russian history: Mongol invasion, the rise of Moscow, reforms of Peter the Great, etc.
15. Yuri Dolgoruky is famous for foundation of Moscow. Alexander Nevsky and Dmitry Donskoi are famous rulers. Yuri Gagarin is the first cosmonaut in the world
16. The official symbols of Russia are Double-headed eagle, coat of arms of Russia, FLag of Russia. Other symbols of Russia are beryoza, bear, balalaika, vodka
17. Russian flag is a tricolour of three equal horizontal fields, white on the top, blue in the middle and red on the bottom. The flag was first used as an ensign for merchant and war ships and only became official in 1896.
The three colours purportedly came from the coat of arms of the Grand Duchy of Moscow, which depict Saint George wearing white (silver) armor, riding a white horse, wearing a blue cape and holding a blue shield, on a red field. According to another version, these three colours were associated with the robes of the Virgin Mary, the holy protectress of Russia.
Yet another interpretation of the three colours is that the order that they are placed in reflected the Russian social system under the monarchy: white represents God, blue the Tsar and red the peasants. Another very common interpretation is the association of colours with the main parts of the Russian Empire: white thus represents Belarus ("White Russia"), blue Ukraine (or Malorossia, "Little Russia"), and red "Great Russia".
A different interpretation associates white with the bright future (where the colour itself is associated with brightness, while its placement at the top - with future); blue with clouded present, and red with bloody past.
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