Я бы поставил мягкие удобные стулья, а не твердые парты. Я бы отменил оценки на уроках, оставив только итоговую аттестацию по каждому предмету. Если бы я был министром образования, то запретил бы домашние задания. Я бы создал побольше кружков в школах, чтобы дети могли заниматься танцами, играть на гитаре или петь.
If I were the Education minister, I would put soft comfortable chairs instead of hard desks. I would cancel the marks of lessons, leaving only the final examinations in each subject. If I were the Education minister, I would prohibit (ban) any homeworks. I would establish more project groups (circles) in schools, so that children could dance, play guitar or sing.
A. I have never broken my arms and legs. 5.Present Perfect b. He has check-ups twice a year. 1.Present Simple c.The doctor advised me to keep to a diet. 2.Past Simple d. My father was taken to hospital. 8. Past Simple Passive e. I'm doing aerobics. 3.Present Continuous f. Children are usually given advice to eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.7.Present Simple Passive g. The doctor was examining the patient.4.Past Continuous h. When the mother came 2.Past Simple home, her son had already taken 6.Past Perfect the tablet.
A. I have never broken my arms and legs. – Present Perfect B. He has check-ups twice a year. – Present Simple C. The doctor advised me to keep to a diet. – Past Simple D. My father was taken to hospital. – Past Simple Passive E. I'm doing aerobics. – Present Continuous F. Children are usually given advice to eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. – Present Simple Passive G. The doctor was examining the patient. – Past Continuous H. When the mother came (Past Simple) home, her son had already taken (Past Perfect) the tablets.
If I were the Education minister, I would put soft comfortable chairs instead of hard desks. I would cancel the marks of lessons, leaving only the final examinations in each subject. If I were the Education minister, I would prohibit (ban) any homeworks. I would establish more project groups (circles) in schools, so that children could dance, play guitar or sing.