I live in Russia. It's a very big country and there are different kinds of flora and fauna in it. The most common plant that is associated with my country is a birch tree. These trees are very beautiful as they have a number of attractive qualities, like colored bark and long branches. They can grow very high. I think that these trees grow nearly everywhere in central and southern parts of Russia. Another common plant is oak which is also associated with Russia and grows everywhere on its territory. As for common animals, they are foxes, wolves, hares, squirrels and bears. They live in the forests and sometimes in the fields. In water we can see different fish and in the noth of the country we can find some mammals like seal, walrus and whale. There are also a lot of birds both sonhgbirds(nightingale, starling,canary and many more) and waterbirds (duck, swan, goose) that inhabit the territory of our country. Some animals have become symbols of Russia and Russian cities anв towns-as an example we can name bear.
Результаты поиска
Я очень хорошо рисую
Мне нало написать сочинение
Птицы умеют летать
Я люблю плавть в море.
Я бы хотела научиться петь.
Я выпила полстакана воды.
Я считала воробушков
Я седела и читала книгу.
Я выбежала ищ класса как только прозвенел звонок
YA ochen' khorosho risuyu
Mne nalo napisat' sochineniye
Ptitsy umeyut letat'
YA lyublyu plavt' v more.
YA by khotela nauchit'sya pet'.
YA vypila polstakana vody.
YA schitala vorobushkov
YA sedela i chitala knigu.
YA vybezhala ishch klassa kak tol'ko prozvenel zvonok
I draw very well
I have to write an essay
Birds can fly
I like to swim in the sea.
I would like to learn to sing.
I drank half a glass of water.
I counted sparrows
I sat down and read a book.
I ran out looking for class as soon as the bell rang