Hello Sam,
It's been a long time since i've last written to you. How are you doing? Anything new happened in your life? I missed you. I've heard you are interested in Ukrainian newspapers and some kinds of magazines? So, I'd like to share some information with you including interesting facts in it.
There are planty of different press in Ukraine. If you are interested in politic news you can find new information in "The facts" newspaper. If you are looking for some kinds of advice about your health and lifestyle then you need to find a "Men's health" magazine.
If I were you, I would read the most popular magazine in my area - "Serial". It consists of different types of articles about anything you want. So, I'm sure you'll like it.
Best wishes, Dmitriy
на русском:
Екатерининский дворец это один из крупнейших дворцов в окрестностях Санкт-Петербурга.Екатерининский дворец это бывший императорский дворец. Расположен в современном городе Пушкин (ранее Царское Село), в 25 километрах к югу от Санкт-Петербурга. Сам город Пушкин входит в состав Пушкинского района Петербурга.Здание заложено в 1717 году по приказу российской императрицы Екатерины I. Дворец построен в стиле позднего барокко.В советское время во дворце был открыт музей. Во время войны дворец был сильно разрушен. Его восстановление заняло долгие годы и продолжается Ленинградской школой реставраторов на строго научной основе.В истории и архитектуре дворца нашли своё отражение как архитектурные веяния каждой из эпох, которые пережил дворец, так и личные пристрастия российских правителей того времени.
на английском:
Catherine Palace is one of the largest palaces in the vicinity of St. Peterburga.Ekaterininsky Palace is a former imperial palace. Set in the modern town of Pushkin (formerly Tsarskoye Selo), 25 kilometers south of St. Petersburg. The city itself is a part of Pushkin, Pushkin District Peterburga.Zdanie incorporated in 1717 by order of Empress Catherine I. The palace was built in the style of the late Soviet period barokko.V palace museum was opened. During the war, the palace was badly damaged. His recovery has taken many years and continues the Leningrad school of restorers on a strictly scientific osnove.V history and architecture of the palace reflected as architectural trends of each of the periods, which survived the palace, and personal predilections of Russian rulers of the time.
если мало пиши ещё
The tale of the fisherman and the fish"
made an indelible impression on me. It
tells how a poor old
man caught a goldfish. She was magical
and could fulfill any wishes. The old man
there was a very angry and greedy old woman. He
submitted to her will, went to the sea and asked
the fish to fulfill all her wishes. The old
woman was dissatisfied with everything, scolded, called
the old man names. He had no respect for her,
no matter how high she had risen. This is
evidenced by his appeal to her when
she wanted to become a queen:
"Why are you a woman, have you eaten too much henbane?"
And she became a queen, but she did not
want to stay. She sent the old man to the fish and
"Come back, bow to the fish.
I don't want to be a free queen,
I want to be the lady of the sea,
To live for me in the Okiyan sea,
To serve me a golden fish
And it would be on my parcels,"
Only the fish did not want to serve the old woman and
returned her dugout and a broken trough.
This fairy tale taught me to be a generous
person, never to be stingy and to know
everything in moderation.