1. Can we visit the volcano? 2. He doesn't have to come with us. 3. Can I use your penknife? 4. We have to wash aur cIothes. 5. They don 'to ger up earIy.
1. As the price of a good rises, the quantity required is reduced. 2. The situation in low-income countries has improved since 1965. 3. The problem of maximum rates is to reduce the price for consumers, and task minimal rates is to raise the price for producers and suppliers. 4. The increase in supply leads to an increase in equilibrium quantity and a decrease in equilibrium price. 5. When rates will be reduced to the equilibrium price, there will be surplus goods. 6. If the price of a commodity falls, and prices of other goods required by the customer, remain the same, then the consumer will buy cheaper products instead of expensive goods.
Задание - напиши 6-8 предложений о домашнем питомце, который у тебя есть (или которого ты хотел(а) бы иметь.
I would like to have a racoon (енота) at home. Racoons are very funny. They are friendly to other pets. They are usually grey and black. They are fluffy. They like bisquits very much. But they can make a mess at home!
I have got a cat. He is very kind and nice. His name is Barsik. He is black. Barsik likes to play with a piece of paper. He likes meat and fish. He usually sleeps with me. I like him very much, he is a member of our family.
в 4 и 5 предложении ошибка. Вместо aur, нужно our, в 5 предложении после don't должен быть have to get, а не don'to ger.