For the phone: As for me, I'm for the phones, because they are very handy. With a phone you can use the Internet, play games, pay for things, take photos. The phone is a good medium of communication, so I'm for the phones. Against the phone: I believe that the phone is radiating harmfull waves. In addition to this, people get addicted to phones, they also use telephones for cheating in tests. Because of phones, teenagers are less likely to read, and the use of telephones affects the proficiency of high school students.
Vladivostok is a beautiful city. It is a port city. Located in the Far East. November 4, 2010 Vladivostok was given the honorary title of "City of Military Glory." In Vladivostok, a lot of attractions. For example, the Museum of the Pacific Fleet, Aquarium, Maritime Museum of the United State. Arsenyev, Vladivostok funicular, the Military History Museum Vladivostok fortress. This is only a nekotrye of the attractions that can be identified, in fact, a lot of them. Actually, I very grood this despite the fact that I live in a completely different side. Посмотри может понравится
you shouldn't fall behind
you should fall apart with these friends, they are not good
you shouldn't fall out with parents