Я не знаю точно, как моя жизнь будет развиваться в будущем, но сейчас я хочу, чтобы стать шеф-поваром. Эта профессия, на мой взгляд, очень интересно, но тяжело. И, конечно, я хочу быть хорошим человеком, который знает, что он хочет от этой жизни.
I do not know exactly how my life will develop in the future, but for now I want to become a chef. This profession in my opinion is very interesting, but heavy. And of course I want to be a good person who knows what he wants out of this life.
The story takes place in the spring. In the evening, half hour before sunset. The author describes many of the plants, the color of which falls at certain times of the year. For example, primrose, evening primroses, thistles and others. 2.Hazel knew how to take care of himself. He was not frightened, what happens to little rabbit. He was bigger and braver of the Fever. Fiver was a small, shy, constantly alert, felt the danger. somewhat cowardly. Since these 2 rabbits were the first years, they could not yet fend for themselves. And faced with the contempt of the older and stronger cousins.
I do not know exactly how my life will develop in the future, but for now I want to become a chef. This profession in my opinion is very interesting, but heavy. And of course I want to be a good person who knows what he wants out of this life.