In each of the sentences below mark the subject (S), the verb (V), and any indirect objects (10) objects (DO). Not all the sentences contain all the above parts. 1. He lost one election after another. 2. Abraham Lincoln studied at home with his mother. 3. Lincoln lived in New Salem, Illinois. 4. A new town was built nea New Salem. 5. He gave his mother the Bible. 6. Harry bought himself a new suit. 7. Pythons will wrap themselves around people 8. In America, rattlesnakes kill with poisonous venom. 9. Roadrunners travel great distances. 10. Samantha hid her book under the desk. 11. Our country owes the Native Americans a great debt. 12. The Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. contains a large statue of Lincoln. 13. Jan gave a tent to Donald for his birthday. 14. Paul accused his neighbor of being a witch in the Salem, Massachusetts witch tria" 15. Ken drove his sister to Brownie meetings. 16. Valeria bought her mother a carnation. 17. Vic lent Jim his snowblower. 18. Bob handed his father the trophy. 19. Lincoln gave the committee his opinion 20. The policeman arrested the old lady for smoking marijuana.
This is a story of my great-grandmother, Alexandra.
She was born in 1926 in Russia. Her father kept a few shops and they lived well.
When she was 11, her parents were arrested and she and her younger brother were sent to an orphanage. Alexandra left school in 1943 and went to a teacher training college. After graduation she started to work as a teacher. In 1948 she found her parents and a year later she got married to Nickolay, a colleague of hers.
My great-grandmother worked at school for almost 40 years. Alexandra and Nickolay had five children and eleven grandchildren. All my relatives say that Alexandra was wise, kind and patient. It is not surprising that my mum loves her grandmother so much.
Это история моей прабабушки Александры.
Она родилась в 1926 году в России. Ее отец держал несколько лавок (магазинов), и они жили в достатке.
Когда ей было 11 лет, ее родители были арестованы, а ее с младшим братом отправили в детдом. Александра окончила школу в 1943 году и поступила в педагогическое училище. После его окончания она начала работать учительницей. В 1948 году она нашла своих родителей, а год спустя вышла замуж за Николая, ее коллегу.
Моя прабабушка проработала в школе почти 40 лет. У Александры и Николая было пятеро детей и одиннадцать внуков. Все мои родственники говорят, что Александра была мудрой, доброй и терпеливой. Неудивительно, что моя мама так любит свою бабушку.