в наше время много детей стало проявлять внимание компьютеру. он заменил реальное общение на улице в виртуальное,возле компьютера. вредность от компьютера велика,но без него тоже нельзя.в отличие от многих людей, я отношусь к компьютеру позитивно. это — величайшее изобретение человечества! люди создали универсальную машину, с которой можно делать сто дел: читать, смотреть кино, рисовать, печатать, чертить, считать, находить полезную информацию, делать ретушь фотографи
nowadays a lot of children was to attend a computer. he replaced the real communication outside the virtual , near a computer . harmfulness of the computer is very large, but without it , too nelzya.v unlike many people , i am very positively to the computer . this is - the greatest invention of mankind! people have created a universal machine that allows you to do one hundred cases : reading, watching movies , drawing, print , draw , count , find useful information , do retouch photos, create a
When I was a child my family moved to a big old two-floor house, with big empty rooms and creaking floorboards. Both my parents worked so I was often alone when I came home from school. One early evening when I came home the house was still dark.
I called out, “Mum?” and heard her sing song voice say “Ys?” from upstairs. I called her again as I climbed the stairs to see which room she was in, and again got the same “Ys?” reply. We were decorating at the time, and I didn’t know my way around the maze of rooms but she was in one of the far ones, right down the hall. I felt uneasy, but I figured that was only natural so I rushed forward to see my mum, knowing that her presence would calm my fears, as a mother’s presence always does.
Just as I reached for the handle of the door to let myself in to the room I heard the front door downstairs open and my mother call “Sweetie, are you home?” in a cheery voice. I jumped back, startled and ran down the stairs to her, but as I glanced back from the top of the stairs, the door to the room slowly opened a crack. For a brief moment, I saw something strange in there, and I don’t know what it was, but it was staring at me.
II. d) Have you ever climbed the mountains? - Yes, I have.