Пушистик говорит: "Потому что я замерзла". Урок 5 мая Занятия 4 Приведите слова в порядок. например. 1 мая — праздник в Англии. 1 в праздник/майский день/Англия. 2 мая день/молодые/молодые/в свои дома/забирают цветы. 3 песни/весна/они/песни. 4 Дети/круглые/танцы/майпол. 5 Марка/А/Ленты/яркие/картинки. 6 Много/не/от людей/ОТ/СР/сейчас. Домашнее задание Найди 10 слов. Хатанте 10 шоб
Pushistik govorit: "Potomu chto ja zamerzla". Urok 5 maja Zanjatija 4 Privedite slova v porjadok. naprimer. 1 maja — prazdnik v Anglii. 1 v prazdnik/majskij den'/Anglija. 2 maja den'/molodye/molodye/v svoi doma/zabirajut tsvety. 3 pesni/vesna/oni/pesni. 4 Deti/kruglye/tantsy/majpol. 5 Marka/A/Lenty/jarkie/kartinki. 6 Mnogo/ne/ot ljudej/OT/SR/sejchas. Domashnee zadanie Najdi 10 slov. Hatante 10 shob
1.There are many books in my study.
2.There are two arm-chairs in our living-room.
3.There are father,mother and two sisters in my family.
4.There is an orange in the bag.
5.There is a computer in her office.
There isn't
1.There is not lift in the house.
2.There is not built-in cupboard in my kitchen.
3. There isn't any water in the jar.
4.There isn't any meat in my sandwich.
5.There is no pen in the box.
There is
1.There is a knife on the table.
2.There is some furniture in the hall.
3.There is one chair in the room.
4.There is a chair at the table.
5.There is one stove in the kitchen
There aren’t
1.There aren’t any flowers in the street.
2.There are not toys under the bed.
3.There aren't any apples on the table.
4.There aren't desks in the classroom.
5. There are not books on the table.