New Year - one of my favorite holidays. You give gifts, dress up a Christmas tree, fireworks, lights, feeling the holiday! .. White-bearded old man in a red coat gives all gifts. Someone dressed up in a costume of the Snow Queen, and asks Kai add the letters "A", "P", "O", "M" - the word "happiness." Someone is going to hold a grand competition, and some prefer to conduct "Egghead." Yes, everyone has his own plans. But everyone in preparing for this wonderful holiday. Imagine how many people will go for gifts, buy a Christmas tree out of cookies and giving, they are sent a postcard, and someone to send congratulations to the drugs. And someone gave Kysam board site, and himself on the run. Imagine how many people will be online! But we are all united by one love and the holiday atmosphere of the New Year!
I can go for a walk every day at 5 p.m.
Can I help you with such a tough task?
I can`t sleep because my dog is barking too loudly.
I could swim when I was 5.
Could help me?
I couldn`t do my homework because I was in the hospital.
с to be able to
If I do my homework in an hour, I will be able to go for a walk.
He will able to do it but he won`t.
He`ll be able to do it in a month.