Peter Pan is a boy who can fly and doesn't want to grow up. He lives on the island of Neverland with a group of the Lost Boys.
The author of the books about Peter Pan, J. M. Barrie, didn't describe Peter's appearance. The few things we know are that Peter still had all of his baby teeth; he was a beautiful boy with a beautiful smile and his outfit was made of autumn leaves and cobwebs.
In the Disney animated film "Peter Pan" we see him as a red-haired boy in green clothes wearing also a little green hat with a feather.
Питер Пэн — мальчик, который умеет летать и не хочет взрослеть. Он живет на острове Неверленд с группой Потерявшихся Мальчишек.
Автор книг о Питере Пэне - Дж. М. Барри - не описал внешность Питера. Несколько фактов, которые мы знаем: у Питера все еще были все молочные зубы; он был красивым мальчиком с красивой улыбкой, а его наряд был сделан из осенних листьев и паутины.
В диснеевском мультфильме «Питер Пэн» мы видим его рыжеволосым мальчиком в зеленой одежде, с небольшой зеленой шляпой с пером.
1 Watch out! Nurlan (is going to kick) the ball!
2 Aidar believes that his brother (will become) an Olympic swimmer when he grows up.
3 Nurzhan (is going to play) football with his friends tomorrow.
4 I think I (shall gain) weight if I don't exercise regularly.
5 I'm sure Dilnaz (will win) the tennis tournament if she practises every day.
6 Be careful! You (will lose) the game if you play like that!
7 I (will go) swimming in the lake outside town tomorrow afternoon.
8 I'm sure aerial yoga (will be) relaxing.
9 Look! Inzhu (is going to score) a goal!
10 I (will watch) the rugby game with you tomorrow.
11 Aibek is going to enter marathon this year.
12 I am sur he will come. He never misses football practice.
and Herman Titov Sergei Korolev decided to send into space woman. It was a politically motivated move. I wanted to be the first.
Search candidates began at the end of 1961. Requirements were these: the parachutist, age 30 years, height 170 cm and weight up to 70 pounds. The parachutists had been preferred, because the astronaut "East" had to eject after braking the descent module in the atmosphere and land on the parachute, and the period of training was originally defined compressed about half a year. Didn't want to spend much time to practicing landing by parachute.
Valentina Tereshkova - the first woman-cosmonaut
From more than fifty candidates finally selected five girls. One of them entered and Valentina Tereshkova. All of them except the pilots Valentina Ponomareva, were parachutists. Valentina Tereshkova parachuting worked with 1959 in Yaroslavl aeroclub: seeking candidates for space flight performed in total