Almost 4% (about 1,170,880 sq. Km) across Africa has been taken under protection by 1990-th year. Pongola - the first African nature reserve was established back in 1894 in South Africa, although relatively new, there was a majority of all existing protected areas. 862,940 sq. km of the continent, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (MSOPR), is under the full security and eliminates the maintenance of any mining and forestry operations. Почти 4% (около 1 170 880 кв. км) всей территории Африки было взято под охрану к 1990-му году. Понгола – первый африканский природный заповедник, был учрежден ещё в 1894 году в ЮАР, хотя относительно недавно, появилось большинство всех нынешних охранных территорий. 862 940 кв. км территории континента, по данным Международного союза охраны природы и природных ресурсов (МСОПР), находится под полной охраной, и исключает ведение каких-либо горнодобывающих и лесохозяйственных работ.
She has beautiful green eyes, thick black eyebrows, red lips, straight nose, round pretty face, a sharp chin. When she smiles his charming white smile, her cheeks appear dimples. Another decoration of Marina - her gorgeous thick chocolate hair color. She likes to braid hair in a braid and do different hairstyles.
Marina is very friendly and kind nature. Open minded and full of energy and warmth. Marina is the undisputed leader, she is able to unite the team and ignite a healthy competition spirit. It is very easy and nice to make friends, to communicate and to learn. She is reliable and loyal, does not like gossip, has a high level of responsibility and very attentive to the feelings of others.
Marina high goals and big ambitions. She plans to become a doctor and seeing her hard work and will power, I am absolutely convinced that it will achieve its goal and become an outstanding professional and will make scientific discoveries.
I am very glad that I have such a classmate Marina. I truly believe in its great success and happy future