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The first day of September was Friday. The worst day for celebration of "Yearly 8-Mounth Suffering". Olga didn't want to wake up, she wanted to convince herself that day was 1st of June and It was just a horror dream, but mom confirmed her fears.
Weather on 1st of September was promised to be pretty good. For worst day in year. Olga came to school at 7:45, and was surprised a bit. All her friends were there too. They spoke about time-wasting on holidays. About playing games all night long or sofa-laying all day. They all wanted to backup time, but it wasn't real. As always.
After crying, screaming and crying again children went to classes. Those, who remained, of course. That day they had already have four lessons. It's 160 minutes. 9600 seconds... Sorry, It's so painful to remember...
When all is ended, classes, I mean, Olga with friends went to film called "Каникулы". Sad film. They liked it, as they would like a word about food in Leningrad in 1942.
-Based on a true story.