Госуда́рственный Эрмита́ж — один из крупнейших и самых значительных художественных и культурно-исторических музеев России и мира. Находится в Санкт-Петербурге.
Свою историю музей начинает с коллекций произведений искусства, которые приобретала в частном порядке российская императрица Екатерина II. Первоначально эта коллекция размещалась в специальном дворцовом флигеле — Малом Эрмитаже (от фр. ermitage — место уединения, келья, приют отшельника, затворничество), откуда и закрепилось общее название будущего музея[1]. В 1852 году из сильно разросшейся коллекции был сформирован и открыт для посещения публики Императорский Эрмитаж.
The state Hermitage is one of the largest and most significant art and cultural-historical museums of Russia and the world. Located in Saint-Petersburg.
Its history begins with the Museum of art collections, which were acquired in private Russian Empress Catherine II. Originally the collection was housed in a special wing of the Palace — the Small Hermitage (from FR. ermitage — a place of solitude, the cell of the hermit's shelter, and seclusion), which entrenched the common name of the future Museum[1]. In 1852 from a greatly expanded collection was formed and is open to the public Imperial Hermitage.
It's a school with big breaks. This is a school with a little lessons. The school canteen is large and there cooks a delicious meal. At lessons could talk and have fun but also to learn. Teachers would be kind and sociable. It would not be bullies and bad people. Would not have to get up early. going to school at 10 am. What would all the students were friends with each other and helped each other. This is the school of my dreams.