a) The experimental battery car has made at most 60 km without recharging of the batteries.
Глагол сказуемое has made - past perfect, 3-е лицо (it), ед. ч.
Экспериментальная аккумуляторная машина не более 60 км без подзарядки аккумуляторов.
b) People knew that the electric current was the motion of electrons through an electric conductor.
Глагол сказуемое knew - past simple, 3-е лицо (they), мн. ч.
was - past simple, 3-е лицо (it), ед. ч.
Люди знали, что электрический ток-это движение электронов по электрическому проводнику.
c) Now the workers are laying down the track.
Глагол сказуемое are laying down - present continuous, 3-е лицо (they), мн. ч.
Сейчас рабочие прокладывают путь.
The separation is due to differences in physical abilities, but also because of the different traditions and customs. Men are much stronger and sturdier. Woman in ancient times considered to be a homemaker, and male - breadwinner, which feeds the family. It has survived to this day. Therefore a man should earn and provide for their families. Consequently, his work harder both physically and mentally (even scientists-men much more).
In the modern world, this separation is gradually erased. A woman is not only a Keeper, but breadwinner. They begin to work as lifeguards, police and even drivers! The woman is strong and independent.
I support the second opinion. Because the choice of a profession depends on traits and upbringing of the person. The world is changing, some beliefs become obsolete, and with it the changing society and man himself?