1. You will miss the nine o'clock train unless you start at once. 2. When my father comes home from work, we will have supper. 3. I will do it if I have time. 4. At the Travel Agency they will tell you exactly when the train leaves. 5. I will go to bed when I finish my work. 6. When we decide to go for a walk, I will tell you. 7. She will go to the cinema if she gets a ticket. 8. If he has time he will come to see us. 9. If this exercise isdifficult, I will ask my father to help me. 10. When the bus comes , we will ready to go.
Today, sport is the most popular
hobby of young people. Sport helps
to maintain a good shape and mood. After all, it is not
for nothing that the ancients said "
A healthy mind in a healthy body". Sport helps people to maintain
good health. If you attend
a sports section, you acquire a lot of new friends
, sometimes for life. Regular
sports fill you with energy, the ability
to civilize yourself in difficult situations and stand
up for yourself. No matter what kind of sport you
are engaged in, football or athletics,
fencing or wrestling, remember that the main thing is
to participate in competitions. It doesn't matter
if you win a medal or a prize or not, you learn to fight
for yourself and for your friends if you play
in a team.
1. Will Ted have been working as an attorney for twenty years by the end of March?
2. Will Jack and Alison have been bulding their house for a year by Easter?
3. By six o'clock in the evening, we will have been waiting for his message for five hours.
Future Perfect Continuous образуется так: В утверждениях - Подлежащее+will+have+been+глагол с окончанием -ing
в вопросах - Will+подлежащее+have+been+глагол с окончанием -ing?
В отрицаниях - Подлежащее+will+not(won't)+have+been+глагол с окончанием -ing
1. You will miss the nine o'clock train unless you start at once. - Ты опоздаешь на 9-часовой поезд, если не выйдешь прямо сейчас.
2. When my father comes home from work, we will have supper. - Когда отец придет с работы, мы будем ужинать (или обедать, в разных пособиях по-разному объясняется выражение to have supper).
3. I will do it if I have time. - Я сделаю это, если у меня будет время.
4. At the Travel Agency they will tell you exactly when the train leaves.- В бюро путешествий ваам точно скажут, когда отправится поезд.
5. I will go to bed when I finish my work. - Я пойду спать, когда я закончу свою работу.
6. When we decide to go for a walk, I will tell you.- Когда мы решим прогуляться, я тебе скажу.
7. She will go to the cinema if she gets a ticket. - Она пойдет в кино, если достанет билет.
8. If he has time he will come to see us. - Если у него будет время. он заедет навестить нас.
9. If this exercise is difficult, I will ask my father to help me. - Если это упражнение будет трудным, я по папу мне.
10. When the bus comes, we will ready to go.- Мы будем готовы, когда подойдет автобус.