1.He did not go out with his friends yesterday 2.Do you like taking photos? 3. 4.Does she go the country at weekend? 5.What are you going to do next week?
1 He did not go out with his friends yesterday. 2 Do you like taking photos? 3 Is my brother going to take part in the football match? 4 Does she go to the country at the weekend? 5 What are you going to do next week?
A bad beginning makes a bad ending - плохое начало ведет к плохому концу A bad workman blames his tools - плохой работник ругает свои инструменты A beggar can never be bankrupt -б едняк никогда не обанкротится A bird may be known by its song - птицу можно узнать по ее песне A burden of one's own choice is not felt - груз, который сам выбрал, несешь не чувствуя A burnt child dreads the fire - обжегшееся дитя огня боится A civil denial is better than a rude grant - вежливый отказ лучше, чем грубое согласие A clean hand wants no washing - чистую руку мыть не нужно A clear conscience laughs at false accusations - чистая совесть смеется над клеветой A cracked bell can never sound well - треснутый колокол уже никогда хорошо звенеть не будет A danger foreseen is half avoided - кто знает о надвигающейся опасности, тот наполовину избежал ее A fair face may hide a foul heart - за прекрасной внешностью может скрываться низкая душа A fool always rushes to the fore - дурак всегда лезет вперед A fool may ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years - умный семь лет не ответит на вопросы, которые дурак задаст за один час A friend in need is a friend indeed - друг в беде есть настоящий друг A friend is never known till needed - друга не узнаешь, пока не понадобится его A friend to all is a friend to none - тот, кто друг всем, не является другом никому Bad news has wings - дурная весть имеет крылья Better lose a jest than a friend - лучше воздержаться от шутки, чем потерять друга Caution is the parent of safety - осторожность — мать безопасности
My name is I’m ... years old. My favourite season is winter. My holidays began on the 28th of December. I am in a good mood because New Year’s Day and two weeks of the rest will come soon. I like festive bustle. In the first day of our holidays I and my sister decorated our flat and we also decorated the Christmas tree in the evening. There is a tradition in our family: we all go skiing to the forest in the morning in the last day of the year. We enjoy beauty of the forest, breath fresh air and have a great time. Usually our walk takes us two hours. Then we begin to prepare for holiday. In the first day of January we went to celebrate our grandmother and grandfather and next day we went to street festivities at city square. The whole holidays I and my sister were spending much time in the street. We could go skating, having a fight with snowballs or making a snowman. Also we walked in the snow-covered park. I liked my winter holidays very much.
2.Do you like taking photos?
4.Does she go the country at weekend?
5.What are you going to do next week?