Я люблю поесть разную еду в разных местах.На завтрак я ем яичницу,чай,пару бутербродов и яблоко.На обед я ем суп , картошку с зеленью и жаренной курицей,сок и печенье.На ужин я ем салат, макароны с котлетами,а чуть позже пью молоко и ем кокосовое печенье.Мои самые любимые напитки это шоколадный коктейль,чай без сахара и теплое молоко.I love to eat different foods in different places.For Breakfast I eat eggs,tea,a couple of sandwiches and an Apple.For lunch I eat soup , potatoes with greens and fried chicken,juice and biscuits.For dinner I eat salad, pasta with meatballs,and later drink milk and eat macaroons.My favorite drink is chocolate cocktail,tea without sugar and warm milk.
Положительные: 1) I was walking to the gym when I met John. 2)I was in the garden when my mom came. 3)She was constantly singing. 4)I was working in the garden all day. 5)The birds were singing. Отрицательные: 1)I wasn't doing my homework when my mom came to me. 2)I wasn't tired yesterday. 3)He wasn't calling her in the morning. 4)Her baby sister wasn't cry all afternoon. 5)We were not having a dinner party yesterday. Вопросительные: 1)What was it like? 2)Was he walking in a gym when he met Peter? 3)Was I having a dinner yesterday? 4)What were you doing in the evening yesterday? 5)Were the birds singing?
The constitution plays a special role lives of societies and states. The term "constitution" is used even during slaveholding and feudalism. In Ancient Rome quite so called resolutions of the emperor. But what the constitution means presently? About it the speech will also go. The constitution - one of the most important achievements of democracy. Now almost all countries of the world, except for several absolute monarchies of Gulf States have the constitution. So, the constitution is the main normative legal act possessing legal properties by means of which on behalf of the people the basic principles of the structure of the state and society are established. It proclaims and protects: the rights and freedoms of the person and the citizen, the people - the only source of the power, restriction of the government with the right - and many other standard democratic values. It is accepted to call the constitution the Basic law. Why? Yes because this law has the highest validity in all system of legal acts. Other regulations which are accepted in our state, have to be guided by the Constitution and can't contradict it! If our Constitution guarantees everyone freedom of thought and the word, it means that NO other laws have right to introduce any restrictions on freedom of thought and the word, for example censorship. Also the Constitution of our country includes a certain set of values. If you attentively read the Constitution preamble, you can be convinced that it is based on such, for example, values as moral values: … "belief in good and justice"; the democratic: "approving the rights and freedoms of the person"; "reviving … statehood of Russia and approving firmness of its democratic basis"; the patriotic: "revering memory of the ancestors who transferred us love and respect for the Middle name"; the social: "approving … civil peace and harmony". The constitution proclaims that "The person, his rights and freedoms are the supreme value". Recognition, observance and protection of these rights and freedoms - a main goal of the Basic law. So let's observe all laws of the Constitution and then we will live in ideal, literally words, the state. After all the basic law is also accepted on purpose, to provide wellbeing and prosperity of the country.