1. This is a house. It is a house made of wood. 2. This is a/the house that Jack built. Оба варианта применимы с разным значением. 3. Your blouse is in the washing machine. It will be ready for tomorrow's party. 4. What a lovely dress! Are you going to wear it? 5. In a good library there are always lots of children's books. 6. The story was so exciting that children could hardly believe their ears. 7. The book looks very unusual. I haven't seen a book like this before. I'm not surprised. It's a very old and expensive book. 8. I know a/the man who lives in the house. Оба варианта применимы с разным значением.
My name's Nastia and I am 16 years old. My childhood was absolutely happy and careless. I have a lot of memories connected with that period of my life and I like sharing them with somebody. The greatest part of my childhood I spent in the village where my grandparents lived. That place is still in my mind and I really miss it now. There was a very long and beautiful river at the end of the village and a wonderful garden near it. We used to spend the whole days swimming in that calm river and closer to the evening we laid under the trees and threw stones into the water. I made a few friends and now we keep in touch, but I don't have much time to visit them, unfortunately. Sometimes they come to the city and we have fun here. Another exciting thing is connected with fantastically tasty meals my grandmother made for me. She baked biscuits and cakes and meat and vegetables and every her meal made me really crazy. And she taught me some secrets of her magical cuisine. I appreciate every piece of advice my grandparents gave to me and sometimes do it now and I am really happy that my childhood was in such nice place with a perfect nature and friendly kind people.