Составить предложения: по образцу was the woolly rhinoceros a big animal? из слов: big, friendly,small, unfriendly, dangerous, frightening, huge, large.
Was the lion a friendly animal? Was the elephant a small animal? Was the elephant a huge animal? Was the monkey a lareg animal? Was the beer a dangerous animal? Was the kitten a unfriendly animal? Was the dog a frightening animal? Was the mouse a big animal?
Мой сосед по комнате говорит по телефону в течение нескольких часов.Она такая болтушка!2.Все в нашем классе завидует Кате. Ее отец часто берет ее на научные экспедиции в Австралию.3.Мы сказали Джессике, что она должна быть более тактичной и вежливой с людьми. Она игнорирует наши советы.4.Лили наслаждалась, глядя мультики, когда она была маленькой, но ее юнгер сестра антиплазмин уход за ними на всех,5.Это обычно занимает у меня пять минут, чтобы принять душ утром.6.Лиза была в Нью-Йорке в году. Она всем рассказывает об этом.
1)I heard that you come to work in England this summer. 2) I don't know who is responsible for the design of the hall. 3) the Only thing that is constant in this world is change. 4) what I hear, it sounds very strange. 5) I well remember his expression at that moment. 6) They will leave as soon as the bus will come. 7) I don't like horror movies and never watch them. 8) in the Evening after work he usually walks with the dog for about an hour, then eats dinner, checks email and reads the newspaper. 9) food Prices are changing almost weekly. 10) This University offers a very interesting course in psychology. 11) Your remarks will not allow me to focus. 12) He loves to argue about everything. 13) more and more people aware of the importance of preserving natural resources for future generations. 14) It can print at a speed of 150 words per minute all fingers. 15) This flower smells sweetly.
Was the elephant a small animal?
Was the elephant a huge animal?
Was the monkey a lareg animal?
Was the beer a dangerous animal?
Was the kitten a unfriendly animal?
Was the dog a frightening animal?
Was the mouse a big animal?