Amusement park
It is the land of enjoyment!
It is the land entertainment!
It is the land for the whole family!
We invite you to visit the best and greatest amusement park in the world!
We are working for people's leisure and recreation!
We look forward to seeing you!
Парк развлечений
Это страна удовольствия!
Это страна развлечений!
Это страна для всей семьи!
Мы приглашаем вас посетить самый лучший и самый великолепный парк развлечений в мире!
Мы работаем для досуга и отдыха людей!
Мы с нетерпением ждем встречи с вами!
Reading takes really important part of our life. It’s not only because it’s interesting but because it can help in developing your brain. If you read a lot than you probably have a big lexicon which helps you to communicate with different people and you can talk on different topics. Reading is also a good and useful thing to do when you’re bored. When you have nothing to do reading will save you and you won’t waste your time doing nothing. So I can tell that I like reading. And I think that all young people should read a lot and evolve so the next generation won’t be hopeless.