Moscow Zoo - the second largest zoos Russia. Yaroslavl is the first zoo in the area of 120 hectares. Founded in 1864. His collection includes 1150 species of animals, the number of live specimens of 8856 individuals. The main objectives of the zoo - environmental, educational and research activities. The zoo regularly guided tours, training sessions with students, visiting lectures with demonstrations of domesticated animals. Zoo participates in a large number of international programs on keeping and breeding of rare animal species, constantly carries out.Friendly exchanges with many zoos around the world. On the territory of "Children's Zoo". The zoo is located near the Garden Ring between the streets of Presnya, Grand Georgian and zoological. The main entrance is located at the junction of the Red fresh and Grand Georgian, near metro stations "Barricadnaya" and "Krasnopresnenskaya". As part of the 150th anniversary of the Moscow Zoo opened Zooklub Children - education program for preschool children.
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Kitchen. On the floor in my kitchen there IS a beautiful orange linoleum,there are bedside-tables,stools and a table. On the wall glued pink Wallpaper. Dear kitchen occupies all the space . Right in the corner on the wall hangs a column under her on a pedestal TV .Около shells there is a plate. The refrigerator is the output in спальню. С the kitchen, I go directly to a large balcony. In my kitchen is very cozy and beautiful. Кухня. На полу в моей кухне лежит красивый оранжевый линолеум, стоят тумбочки, табуретки и стол. На стене наклеены розовые обои. Дорогой кухонный гарнитур занимает все пространство . Справа в углу на стене висит колонка под ней на тумбе телевизор .Около раковины находится плита. Холодильник стоит на выходе в спальню. С кухни я выхожу прямо на большой балкон. В моей кухне очень уютно и красиво.