1. A final group of utilities worth mentioning is designed (Present Simple Passive) for backing up and cleaning up hard disks.
2. A data base is (Present Simple) simply a collection of date that is stored(Present Simple Passive) on one or more computers.
3. The operating system must first be loaded(Present Simple Passive with modal verb) into primary storage.
4. Multitasking capabilities were once found only on minicomputers and mainframes. (Past Simple Passive)
5. Utility programs monitor how often and how quickly an application program is being executed compared to all the other programs in the system at the same time. (Present Simple; Present Continuous Passive)
6) Does she eat lunch at the cafeteria every day?
She doesn't eat lunch at cafeteria every day.
7) Does the receptionist speak English very well?
The receptionist doesn't speak English very well.
8) Does the manager solv all the problems?
The manager doesn't solv all the problems.
9) Do they they live in a double room?
They don't live in a double room
10) Do you/I have a letter of confirmation?
I don't have a letter of confirmation.
11) Is it a reasonable price for such a room?
It isn't a reasonable price for such a room.
they returned from hollyday 3 day ago.
we havnt seen this teleprogramm.
the boy took the book,opened it and started to read.
i have never seen her brother.