Задай к этим предложениям общие вопросы и ответь на них 1.sam speaks english witch his mum 2.we live in russia 4.my friends like ice cream 4.we celebrate new year witch over friends 5.this girl often plays the piano at home
1.Does Sam speak English with his mum? Yes, he does 2.Do we live in Russia? Yes, we do 4.Do my friends like an ice cream? No, they don't 4.Do we celebrate New Year with over friends? No, we do not 5.Does this girl often play the piano at home? No, she does not
A: Excuse me, could you help me, please? B: With pleasure. What can I do for you? A: How can I get to the Peter and Paul's fortress? B: Oh, it's easy. We are now in Sadovaya (Garden) street. There is a tram stop not far from here. A: Can I take any tram there? B: No. You must take the trams number 2, 3, or 34. A: How long will it take me to get there? B: About 10-15 minutes. The first stop after the bridge will be yours. A: Thank you very much. B: Don't mention it. (2) A: Excuse me, Could you tell me how I can get to the hotel "St. Petersburg?" B: Unfortunately, there is no direct transport, you'll have to change your transport. A: We are strangers here and we don't know the urban transport system. Could you explain us the way to the hotel? (how we can get to the hotel) B: With pleasure. First you should get to the Finland railway station. You can take bus 107 or 137. A: Is the bus stop far from here? B: No, it's just around the corner. A: Where should we go then? B: You have to get off at the Finland railway station. This is the final stop. A: How much is the bus fare? B: ... rubles'. But there is no conductor in the bus, so you have to buy coupons (tokens) at the bus stop or from the driver. A: What transport do we take from Finlyandsky railway station? B: You can walk on from there. It will take you about 15 minutes. Or you can take tram number 6. It will take you directly to the hotel. A: Thank you very much. B: You are welcome.
A:Excuse me, could you tell us the short way to the famous British Museum? We went astray.
B: I certainly can. It is not very far from here. I think it will take you about thirty minutes to get there from here. If you are in a hurry, you can go by bus. The bus-stop is at Oxford Circus.
A: And how can we get to Oxford Circus?
B: Go straight on, then turn left at the traffic lights and go straight on again. In two minutes you are at Oxford Circus.
A: What bus must we take?
B: Your bus is the 73.
A: At what stop do we get off?
B: You have to get off at Great Russel Street. This bus stops in front of the British Museum.
A: And how long will it take us to get to the British Museum by bus?
B: I think about fifteen minutes.
A: One more thing. Is there a bus table at the bus stop? If I see that our bus comes in 15-20 minutes, we shall walk there.
B: Of course you will find a bus table at the bus stop. I think this bus arrives every 10-15 minutes.
Yes, he does
2.Do we live in Russia?
Yes, we do
4.Do my friends like an ice cream?
No, they don't
4.Do we celebrate New Year with over friends?
No, we do not
5.Does this girl often play the piano at home?
No, she does not