I think language learning has become more popular nowadays. There are a lot of languages people want to know. so not only English, but Japanese, Spanish, French, Russian and much more as well.
I hope, people have understood all of the advantages about knowing different languages
my opinion bases on necessary to communicate with other people, foreigners. so, if you know some other languages, besides your native one, you will easily connect with people. it helps you, when you travel, for example
nevertheless, some people think, it isn't necessary. I really can't understand them.
Where didn't Kate use to have a lunch?
При формировании специального вопроса за основу берется общий вопрос к предложению. Didn't Kate use to have a lunch at school?
Для того чтобы преобразовать его в специальный, необходимо добавить в начало предложения одно из вопросительных слов.
Вопросительные слова:
What? — Что?
Where? — Где?
When? — Когда?
Why? — Почему?
Who? — Кто?
Which? — Который?
Whose? — Чей?
Whom? — Кого?
How? — Как?
Выбираем вопросительное слово Where и получается Where didn't Kate use to have a lunch?
at school убираем, потому что спрашиваем где?