There is a similar quote in the Bible "Love your enemy as yourself" And I understand this quote so it is necessary to love them rather than fight them перевод-есть похожая цитата в библии "Возлюби врага своего как самого себя"И я понимаю эту цитату так надо любить их а не воевать с ними
1. Little brother its not a toy, it was real baby. 2. "Babbling" means to talk like a little babby. 3. When Peter hugged LB, he stop to babbling and sitting up, he just limp on the floor. 4. Mother stop LB from crying when she picked up him and sat on her lap. 5. "Wrinkled up" it when you tighten the muscels on your face so that hte skins folds 6. everything what LB do was funny, firstly when he thro wrapping paper on the flor and so on. 7. Grab hold of means to grasp smth or hold onto it 8. Peter's idea was to bulig the tallest tower when mother comming back into the living room. 9. Mother was wery bussy that's why she never didn't look at the tower. 10. LB wasn't a toy, he was a baby 11. Peter feel annoyed with his mom because she spend less time with him 12. I suppos that mother explain that she love both baby and that she should spend more time with LB because he still small.
1 We were skiing the whole day yesterday. (Past Continuous Active ) Мы вчера целый день катались. 2 What did you discuss at the meeting yesterday? (Past Simple Active )- Что вы обсуждали вчера на собрании? 3 I haven't met my school friend for many years. (Present Perfect Active ).Я не встречал моего школьного друга много лет. 4 She told me everything about him after he had left. (Past Perfect Active ).- Она рассказала мне всё о нём, после того как он ушёл. 5 She has been learning English for 5 years before she goes abroad. (Present Perfect Active ).Она 5 лет изучает английский прежде чем поедет за границу. 6 That tree makes the house very dark. - Very well. I'll cut it down. (Future Indefinite Active ) To дерево слишком затеняет дом.- Хорошо. Я срублю его. 7 .My brother has just returned from America. Oh, good. We'll ask him to our next party. (Future Indefinite Active ).Мой брат только что вернулся из Америки. О, здорово (хорошо ). Мы пригласим его на наш следующий вечер. 8 I have translated the article an hour before you come. (Present Perfect Active ).Яуже перевел статью за час до твоего прихода. 9 Have you closed the door before leaving the house? (Present Perfect Active) Tы закрыл (а) дверь, прежде чем покинуть дом? 10 I can't go out because I haven't finished my work yet. (Present Perfect Active ).Я не могу выйти , так как я ещё не закончил свою работу.
And I understand this quote so it is necessary to love them rather than fight them
перевод-есть похожая цитата в библии "Возлюби врага своего как самого себя"И я понимаю эту цитату так надо любить их а не воевать с ними