I. Перевидите предложения на русский язык, задайте общий вопрос и постройте отрицательное предложение:1. His uncle is a computer operator. Его отец - компьютерный оператор. Who is his uncle? His uncle isn't a computer operator. 2. My moyher speaks English well. Моя мама хорошо говорит по-английски. What does language does your mother speak well? My motherd oesn't speak English well. 3. He finished school last year.. Он окончил школу в году. What did he finish last year? He didn't finish school last year. 4. She is having breakfast now. Она сейчас завтракает. What is she doing now? She isn't having breakfast now. 5. Tomorrow we'll have 3 double periods. Завтра у нас будут три двойные перемены. What will we have tomorrow? Tomorrow we won't have 3 double periods.
II. Откройте скобки, используя сравнительную или превосходную степени прилагательного или наречия:
1. Jane is younger than her sister. She is the youngest child is the family. 2. It is the best film i have ever seen. 3. Her Geman is as good as her English.
III. Выберите правильное местоимение и перевидите на предложения на русский язык:
1. I invited my friend to my place.
IV. Заполните пропуски подходящим по смыслу словом и перевидите предложения на русский язык:
1. Do you know the weather forecast for tomorrow? Ты знаешь прогноз погоды на завтра? 2. The British like their pets very much. Британцам очень нравятся их домашние животные. 3. I'am busy on weekdays, but I'am free at the weekend. Я занят в будни, но свободен в выходные. 4. Our library is on the second floor. Наша библиотека на втором этаже. 5. July is the hottest season of the year. Июль - самый жаркий период в году.
V. Задайте к этому предложению общий вопрос, специальный вопрос, вопрос к подлежащему, альтернативный вопрос, разделительный вопрос:
The students work hard during the term.
What do the students do during the term? Who works hard during the term? Do the students or the teachers work hard during the term? The students work hard during the term, don't they?
Russia. At the mention of this word all the most important, the most beautiful, the most dear to my heart rises before my eyes: beautiful nature, original cities - pearls and, of course, people - our pride, people whose deeds and feats glorified Russia, lifted it closer to the sky, closer to God, closer to everything most wonderful and bright. From the places associated with them, breathes kindness, cordiality, spirituality, something truly Russian. And sometimes there is an irresistible desire to see our family, unique beauty, to come into contact with the lubyan log Russia, with its great past. Traveling in Russia, traveling in time. The superposition of epochs is very close, and each epoch fascinates and beckons with something. Being in a single city, you can simultaneously be in the modern world, and in the times of Alexander Nevsky, Ivan the terrible, Peter the Great. And so all seen in our country can not leave a mark in the shower, especially in Russian. Journey to Russia a memorable one. I want to share what overwhelms me, namely, pride in our mighty and great Homeland, even though it is gone.