lets compare johnny depp who is regarded as one of the world's biggest holiwood film stars and brad pitt who's also one of the world's biggest american film stars. both of them are really very famous and have become teen idols since the 1980s.
1 johnny depp (54) is one year older than brad pitt (53).
2 johnny depp is more handsome than brad pitt though brad pitt (180sm.) is taller than johnny depp (177sm.)
3 johnny depp is more intelectual than brad pitt.
4 johnny depp is more popular than brad pitt.
5 to conclude, they are both very tallented actors:
johnny depp is as talanted as brad pitt.
the idea of cloning has always stirred fervent debate. some say it’s immoral and unethical, others agree that it’s a great breakthrough in medical science. animal cloning has been introduced almost twenty years ago from now and this has opened a number of possibilities for human cloning.
the benefits are mainly connected with producing spare body parts for those who are in need. other than that the problem of infertility can be solved. people with physical disabilities or problems can be cloned with regenerated body parts or organs.
however, imagine only what would happen if medics learn to clone anyone by simply stealing a sample of their dna. a clone can be trained to commit evil deeds, for example, with the intention to blame the owner of the dna. that sounds ridiculous, but sophisticated. who knows, everything is possible nowadays.
one of the strongest arguments against cloning has ethical background. if a human clone is created and then killed after its organs have been used, churches are certainly against this act. all the religious texts prohibit murder, thus cloning for the use of spare body parts is impossible.
there is also an insoluble dilemma whether these cloned people will have the same rights as ordinary people or not