Notes about: Thomas Jefferson
Famous because...
He was a president who didn't like to talk in front of the crowd
Fact 1
He was afraid of talking in front of the crowd
Fact 2
Although he was afraid of crowd he was good at writing
Born on and in...
Was born in April 13, 1743
Fact 1
Loved to be out in the woods
Fact 2
Loved reading books
Dead and alive...
He was a 3rd president of US
Fact 1
It was hard to make people happy
Fact 2
After 8 ears he went home and did what he wanted to do
Nice president should I say
I wanna share some information with you about Kazakh holidays. Kazakh holidays can be different. For example, a family can set a table with national Kazakh food, such as baursaks, manti, kumis and much more. often grandfathers or fathers play the dombra, others dance to these rhythms. I would like to spend my holidays like this at least once, I think it would be great. after all, Kazakh holidays also often make outdoor recreation more expensive. and I really love outdoor recreation!
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I like an animal like a snail. They are calm, unflappable, always purposeful. snails love heat and fresh juicy leaves of plants. They can even keep the house!
улитки. Мне нравиться такое животное, как улитка. Они такие спокойные, невозмутимые, всегда целеустремленные. улитки любят тепло и свежие сочные листья растений. Их даже можно держать дома!