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22.05.2023 20:27 •  Английский язык

Сочинение британское на тему май ласт трипс 5 красных строк по всем правилам анл языка

Мое последнее путешествие – My Last TripПоследний раз я ходил в поход этим летом. Мы с друзьями решили найти какое-нибудь живописное место на берегу Северского Донца. Вы знаете, что на его берегах есть красивый сосновый лес. Мы взяли с собой все необходимые вещи для ночлега и приготовления пищи. Мы выбрали маршрут и спланировали наш поход. Наши рюкзаки были очень тяжелыми, но это не испортило нам нашего путешествия. Поскольку это был поход, то мы добрались до места пешком. Мы выступили рано утром, погода была прекрасной, и мы наслаждались свежестью воздуха и тишиной утра. В небе были облака, но ветер вскоре их прогнал. Мы остановились в одной красивой роще на берегу речки. Но поскольку на речке очень много комаров, то и не слишком близко к ней. Весь день ярко светило солнце, и мы купались в речке и загорали, играли в волейбол и футбол. Наша первая еда на открытом воздухе была необычной — она немножко подгорела, но мы на это не обратили внимание. Вечером мы разожгли костер и пели различные песни. Один из моих друзей играет на гитаре, и он нам аккомпанировал. Как только мы забрались в спальные мешки, то сразу уснули. Рано утром один из нас пошел порыбачить. Некоторое время спустя мы услышали сильный всплеск. Мы все побежали к реке, чтобы посмотреть, что же случилось. Наш друг увидел большую рыбу и хотел поймать ее руками, но упал в воду. Мы все посмеялись, и на этом рыбалка его закончилась. День не был солнечным, поэтому мы просто наняли лодку и проплыли вдоль по реке. Мы видели очень много красивых мест, и природа была просто великолепной. Было время возвращаться домой, но никто не хотел уходить домой. Это было незабываемое путешествие.
Перевод на английский:
Last time I went on a walking tour was this summer. My friends and I decided to go and find some picturesque place on the bank of the Seversky Donets. You know there is a fine pinewood on its banks. So we took all necessary things for sleeping and cooking meals with us. We chose a route of our journey and planned our trip. Our rucksacks were rather heavy, but this fact didn’t spoil our journey. As it was a walking tour we got to the place on foot. We set out early in the morning, the weather was perfect, and we enjoyed the freshness of the air and the silence of the morning. There were some clouds in the sky but soon the wind took them away. We stopped at some fine grove not far from the river. But as there are always a lot of mosquitos at the river — not too close to it. All day long the sun was shining brightly, and we sunbathed and swam in the river, played volleyball and football. Our first meal in the open air was unusual — it was a bit burnt — but we didn’t pay much attention to it. In the evening we made a fire and sang different songs. One of my friends plays the guitar, and he accompanied us. As soon as we got into our sleeping bags «we were fast asleep. Early in the morning one of us went fishing. Some time later we heard a tremendous splash. We all ran to the river to see what had happened. Our friend saw a huge fish and wanted to catch it with his hands, but fell into the water. We all laughed, and that was the end of his fishing. The day was not sunny, so we just hired a boat and ran it down the river. We saw a lot of beautiful places, and the nature was magnificent. It was time we went home, but no one wanted to leave. It was an unforgettable journey.
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1.You will miss the train if you don`t take a taxi.
2. I won`t go away till you come back .
3.I`d like to know when your sister comes back to Leningrad .
4. I would like to know the day your sister comes back to Leningrad .
5. I was not sure if he would be at the meeting, but if he comes he will debate.
6. While the ladies are at their rooms, I will come downstairs and try to get you something to eat.

1. When I find Olya and bring her here, I will call you.
2. When I  find Olya and bring her here, I won`t go away, until  I get her address.
3. When I find Olya and bring her here, I will marry her when I`m twenty three at that.
4. When I find Olya and bring her here and if you kill me, I won`t miss.
5. When I find Olya and bring her here, I don`t know whether I can explain to you how it works. 
4,6(80 оценок)
Birthday - this is one of the favorite holidays for most people. This is not surprising, because on this day the greatest gifts a person receives and wishes her a pleasant surprise and meeting with friends. In this dnynu feel important around the globe.

When I wake up in its birthday, the first thing I see - it's a gift, which is on my table. It's a family tradition - leave it there. At this time the mother has boss in the kitchen, the delicious smells wafting out who are forced rather get out of bed and go to it. Mammy me gently kisses and trying popidnimaty ears many times, how old marks, but I pruchayus for this process I did not like. It also fits his father, who has prepared a hilarious joke.

Then we start with him decorate the room, because in the afternoon to visit me come with my friends. We inflate colored balloons, on which my father wrote various wishes for me, and afterward we place them on the doors and windows. Then Dad shows already prepared wall newspaper with bright drawings and wishes. She hung it on the wall in my room. During this time, my mother has and prepared many delicious dishes. On the table, barely enough space to put them, but it will still worried because it seems that is not enough. So gradually coming at a time when my guests are beginning to converge.

Friends come in time. Each of them welcomed me, gives a gift, some present even flowers. Then we sit down at the table, walk in games, sing karaoke, take part in competitions trained parents. But unfortunately quickly sneaking late evening and guests begin to gather home.

I love my birthday. It's a very happy holiday, after which is a bunch of wonderful memories, and, of course, Mount prehoroshyh gifts.
4,5(24 оценок)
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