I like Sundays because our family gather together in these days.
Usually I don't get up early in the morning on Sunday, so my mother does! We like to to warm ourselves under blankets! Sometimes my father prepares breakfast.
If he can't do it, we cook breakfast together. After breakfast I walk our dog in the park. I meet my friend there and we talk about school. My mother and father stay at home and discuss different questions,watch interesting TV program or simply make jokes at each other. When I come back home I and my parents like to speak about new films,books and our hobbies. Sometimes we have dinner in a cafe. After we can go for a walk together in the park or go to the cinema. Is the evenings I play chess with my Father. He can play very well and he teaches me.
My family is very friendly and we like to spend weekends together.
a) water birds - ducks (утки), swans (лебеди)
b) song birds - thrushes (дрозды), robins (малиновки), larks (жаворонки)
c) forest birds - woodpeckers (дятлы), owls (совы)
d) town birds - pigeons (голуби), crows (вороны), rooks (грачи)
e) wild birds - partridges (куропатки)
f) domestic birds - hens (куры), ducks (утки), geese (гуси)
g) talking birds - parrots (попугаи), starlings (скворцы)
h) birds that make good pets - parrots (попугаи), doves (голуби), canaries (канарейки)