To capital - 863 years. Date not round, therefore from magnificent celebrations have refused. However, the program of all equally was sated: traditional national гуляния, concerts. And for a holiday have dated opening a museum and a palace.
They from Tula, Ulyanovsk, Krasnodar, Tyumen and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk... But feel muscovites, therefore and congratulate capital from the bottom of the heart. 40 thousand students, having fun and being pleased, have passed today on streets of city which at once and for a long time became for them the family
2You may have many good friends,but the best is only one.
3My friend hates shopping and I can't
understand her.
4The teacher said that Tom had made many mistakes in his test.
5Ann went to the village in summer and made friends with some girls there.
6Children were playing with matches and made a fire in the shed.
7If I study harder at my English I 'll make a progress in learning it.
слова quzzms я,к сожалению,не знаю!