Pogoda neopredelennaya, no lyudi nauchilis' yeye prognozirovat'. My mozhem videt' prognoz na TV ili v Internete. Uchenyye poluchayut vse dannyye s samoletov, korabley, kosmicheskikh stantsiy. Eta informatsiya ne pozvolyayet zabyt' vzyat' s soboy zontik ili shlyapu.Samaya teplaya pogoda v Nizhnem Novgorode po mesyatsam i v tselom v Rossii stoit v iyune, avguste, iyule do 25,5 ° C. Pri etom naimen'shiye temperatury okruzhayushchego vozdukha otmechayutsya v yanvare, dekabre , Fevralya do -12,5 ° C.
1. Summer holidays are the longest in school. 2. It's better to take a walk with your friends than play computer games. 3. My friend did homework worse than me. 4. Living in a big city is more interesting than on a farm. 5. By the way, you look happier than yesterday. 6. My sister was the most beautiful at the party. 7. It's easier said than done. 8. This summer I'm going to have the most exciting vacation. 9. I believe that this is the worst dish. 10. In my opinion, the kittens are the sweetest animals