В 1887 году уроженец Польши, доктор Заменхоф, изобрел новый язык. Большую часть своей жизни он прожил в России. Новый язык стал называться "Эсперанто". Данный язык представлял собой смесь ряда европейских языков с очень простой грамматикой. Доктор Заменхов верил, что Эсперанто станет вторым языком, на котором будет говорить весь мир, так как обучение не вызывает никаких сложностей, более того, язык обладает достаточно богатым набором для выражения мыслей и чувств. Однако язык так и не снискал славу и популярность. Россия - одна из стран, где можно встретить Эсперанто. В настоящее время лишь немногие люди используют данный язык.
Some people say that it is very necessary to learn foreign languages, but others say that learning foreign languages is not important. As for me, I agree with people, who speak about advantages of learning foreign languages. Now I will try to prove my point of view. Firstly, knowledge of foreign language can help us to understand people all over the world. We can communicate with native speakers. And we can learn history of other nations. Secondly, we can read foreign literature in the original. Now I will try to prove my point of view. Firstly, knowledge of foreign language can help us to understand people all over the world. We can communicate with native speakers. And we can learn history of other nations. Secondly, we can read foreign literature in the original.But some people can disagree to it. Firstly, such people think that learning foreign languages has negative influence on native language. They say that we become to speak more in foreign language and sometimes we get emphasis. But I cannot agree with this point of view, because there are many foreign words our language had gotten from other
languages. In conclusion, I would like to stress that learning of foreign languages plays big role in modern life, because all world is connected by many ways and we should be connected with people all over the world.