my name is alexander. i am a student of kostroma technology university. i am 17 years old.
i am rather tall, thin. i am well-built, to my mind. i have an oval face with a straight nose. my eyes are rather big and brown. i have long eyelashes. my lips are neither thin nor full. my hair is dark and i have a short cut.
nowadays it’s expensive to be smart and fashionable but i try to be well-dressed and neat. i have no beard and moustache. i usually wear a pullover and dark trousers. i was born in january. i am capricorn. so i am serious but i couldn’t say for sure, that i am quite.
first of all i enjoy listening to loud music. i like merry company and parties. as for my character i am cheerful, honest, sociable. i have a sense of humor. i like jokes. i am brought up and have good manners.
i don’t respect rude, selfish and foolish people. i hate it when people lie and can’t keep their promise. i also hate it when people interrupt others because it’s impossible to have a talk with them. i try to deal with people who are honest, polite, disciplined they never lie and help in difficult situation.
i am a sportsman. i go in for track and field. so i also go in for sport only sport makes people healthy, active, forms a character.
1. He is writing an English exercise now. He was writing an English exercise at that time yesterday. ( Он пишет сейчас упражнение по английскому. Он писал упражнение по английскому вчера в это же время)
2. My children are sleeping now. My children were sleeping at that time yesterday. ( Мои дети сейчас спят. Мои дети спали вчера в это время)
3. My friend isn't doing their homework now. She is playing wolley-ball. (Мой друг не делает домашнюю работу сейчас. Она играет в волейбол.)
4. My friend wasn't doing their homework at seven o'clock yesterday. He is playing volleyball. (Мой друг не делал домашние задание вчера в 7 часов. Он играет в волейбол)
5.What is he doing now? - I am drinking tea. Were you drinking tea at that time yesterday? - No, I wasn't drinking tea at this time yesterday, I was eating a banana. ( Что ты сейчас делаешь? - Я пью чай. Ты пил чай вчера в это время? - Нет, я не пил чай вчера в это время, я ел банан)
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