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16.02.2021 22:48 •  Английский язык

Составьте текст на тему the most extaordinary country (australia), 20-25 предложений.

Australia is, no doubt, one of the most mysterious and interesting English-speaking countries in the world. Being situated far away in the Southern Hemisphere, the country is a wonderful mixture of a unique nature and original traditions. Australia is the only country on our planet that occupies a whole continent, though the smallest one. Its total area is more than 7,6 million square kilometers and it is 30 times bigger than the area of Great Britain. Despite that, the population of Australia is not a large one — about 23 million people which is almost three times smaller than the population of the UK. The climate of Australia cannot be described as a pleasant one: it's hot and wet in the South, generally mild in the centre and hot and extremely dry in the North. The climate differences are mainly formed by the long mountain range that stretches across almost the whole continent and divides the hot dry lands of the mainland from the juicy lands close to the coasts. However, Australia is one of the oldest lands of our planet and no wonder that the landscape is mainly flat. But it is not boring at all — incredible colours of Australian deserts, salt lakes and strange rocks are really fascinating. Australia is a part of the British Commonwealth and it consists of six states and two territories. The nation's capital is Canberra — a beautiful green city with numerous parks and squares. The modern history of the continent dates back to 1770 when Terra Australis Incognita was discovered by Captain James Cook. The first British settlements appeared there in 1788. But the old history of the Native Australians is much older — the archeologists discovered paintings on the rocks that are about 40 thousand years old. The unique culture and traditions of their ancectors are carefully kept by the Aboriginals till nowadays. The country is a wonderful tourist destination. Millions of people visit the upside down world every year to experience the extraordinary nature of the continent which is really worth seeing. Thousands of unbelieveable unique species of flora and fauna can be met only in Australia. Kangaroos and koalas, platypuses and kookaburras can be seen in the wild. No matter how long it takes to get to this distant land, Australia is just a great place to enjoy!
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Большинство людей в нашей Контри работать пять дней в неделюно студенты и школьники работают шесть дней. У них есть толькоодин выходной день. Это воскресенье.
Мне нравится этот день очень много. В этот день я просыпаюсьпозже, чем обычно. Как только я встаю я воздухакомнату, чтобы моя плохая и делать утреннюю зарядку. Тогда япозавтракать. Еще два часа готовиласьс моей домашней и я свободен.
Я встречаюсь с друзьями, и мы обсудим наши планывместе. Мы можем пойти в кино или театр, чтобымузеи и парки.
В хорошую погоду мы также хотели бы быть из города.Мы находим хорошее место где-нибудь в лесу или на берегу реки.Мы лежим на солнце, играть в разные игры и плавать. вЗимой мои друзья и я часто хожу в каток.Когда погода плохая мои друзья приходят ко мнеместо. Мы слушаем музыку или пойти в кино.
Вечером все члены нашей семьисобраться вместе. У нас есть наш ужин, смотреть телевизор или читатькниг. Мне очень нравится выходные дни очень много
4,8(53 оценок)

An Overview of Traditions and Culture in France

French traditions and culture hold a special fascination for foreigners. Certain elements of the culture are world-famous, such as the deep regard the French have for excellent food and wine. Other parts are less well-known, and you’ll only discover it when you’ve made some horrible faux pas (mistake) at a dinner party.

    France is a country of 65 million people. The country is multiethnic and multicultural, but it’s illegal to keep statistics on different ethnicities, so the actual percentage of the population each group comprises is unknown. It’s estimated that 83%-88% of the population is Catholic, 2% Protestant, 5%-10% Muslim, 1% Jewish, 1% Buddhist, and less than 1% Sikh. Ethnic groups include: Bretons, Basques, North Africans, Africans, Eastern Europeans, Southeast Asians, and more.

France’s official name is “The Republic of France”. The State is headed by the President, who is elected by the people for a five-year term and is responsible for determining governmental policy. The Prime Minister is the head of the government and is responsible for implementing laws and policy and coordinating the actions of the government ministers.

    In France, the vast majority of native citizens speak French. This fact causes many English-speaking foreigners much anxiety, as the French have a long-held and rather unfair reputation for not liking to speak English. In reality, plenty of French people, particularly in large cities such as Paris, speak English well and enjoy doing so. But, on the whole, French people dislike being addressed in English by foreigners without first being asked whether they speak English.

Solve this problem by mastering the phrase: Parlez-vous anglais? (Par-lay voo anh-gleh)–Do you speak English?–and use it before initiating conversation with a French person. You’ll find that this small effort will be greatly appreciated. If you’re moving to France or intend to stay for a long period, however, it’s a smart to learn the basics of French before heading over. Not only will it make life easier, it’ll open a whole new world to you.

A few other languages are spoken in France by a tiny minority of the French population, including: Breton, Basque, Catalan, Flemish, and Arabic.

     French wines hold probably the most revered cultural status of all. With a history dating back to the Middle Ages, there are 12 major wine-growing regions in France, the most famous being Bordeaux, Burgundy, and Champagne. It’s thanks to France that we have well-known grapes like Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Syrah. Indeed, almost all classic grape varietals in the world were originally sourced from France.

In 2016, France exported some $9 billion in wine, amounting to 28.2% of total wine exports. The country exports the highest percentage of fine wines in the world, although not the world’s top wine exporter (that honor goes to Italy…at the moment).

Despite the strong wine culture, most French people don’t drink wine willy-nilly. Wine is generally imbibed with meals, not before or after. Before-dinner drinks are called apéritifs and usually consist of champagne, beer, cocktails, or sweet drinks like fruit juice or port wines. Digestifs, after-dinner drinks, commonly consist of brandies or liqueurs, such as Cognac, Armagnac, Calvados, or fruit-based Eau de Vie.

     When you stay in France, whether for four days or four years, familiarizing yourself with its cultures and traditions will deepen your experience. Here’s a quick guide to set you on your way.

4,5(86 оценок)
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