Самый холодный месяц - январь, когда температура на севере опускается до 8 градусов мороза и ниже, а на крайнем юге, в районе города термеза, она бывает плюсовая. абсолютный минимум зимних температур 35-38 градусов ниже нуля. самый жаркий месяц-июль, а в горных районах – июль -август. средняя температура в этот период на равнинах и предгорьях составляет 25-30 градусов тепла, а на юге (термез и шерабад) она доходит до 41-42 градусов. максимальная температура воздуха была зарегистрирована в городе термезе - 50 градусов (июль 1944 на большей части территории годовое количество осадков не превышает 200-300 миллиметров. озер на территории республики мало, самое крупное из них - аральское, поскольку оно занимает довольно большую площадь, его стали называть морем. но за последние 30 лет уровень аральского моря понизился на 12-14 метров, берега ушли на десятки километров. его водное зеркало уменьшилось в пять раз. узбекистан, совместно с государствами центральной азии и при поддержке международного сообщества, предпринимает экстренные меры по уменьшению негативных последствий этой экологической катастрофы. узбекистан - солнечная республика. климат резко континентальный. он выражается в резких амплитудах дневных и ночных, летних и зимних температур. природа засушливая, атмосферных осадков выпадает мало, низка относительная влажность воздуха. продолжительность дня летом составляет примерно 15 часов, зимой - не менее девяти. the coldest month is january, when the temperature in the north drops to 8 degrees below zero, and in the extreme south, near the city of termez, it is a plus. the absolute minimum of winter temperatures is 35-38 degrees below zero. the hottest month is july, and in the mountainous regions - july-august. the average temperature in this period on the plains and foothills is 25-30 degrees, and in the south (termez and sherabad) it reaches 41-42 degrees. the maximum air temperature was registered in the city of termez - 50 degrees (july 1944). in most of the territory, the annual amount of precipitation does not exceed 200-300 millimeters. there are few lakes on the territory of the republic, the largest of them is the aral sea, since it occupies a rather large area, it was called the sea. but over the past 30 years, the level of the aral sea has dropped by 12-14 meters, the banks have gone for tens of kilometers. his water mirror diminished five times. uzbekistan, together with the states of central asia and with the support of the international community, is taking urgent measures to reduce the negative consequences of this environmental catastrophe. uzbekistan is a solar republic. the climate is sharply continental. it is expressed in the sharp amplitudes of daytime and night, summer and winter temperatures. the nature of the arid, precipitation is low, the relative humidity of the air is low. the length of the day in the summer is approximately 15 hours, in winter - at least nine.
1. Helen asked Pete if he had played chess with his father the day before 2. Kate said to her grandmother to help her to cook the soup. 3. Mike said to the teacher that his sister knew two foreign languages. 4. The teacher asked children what they had prepared for that day. 5. Tom said to his sister he had seen her friend at the library the day before. 6. The teacher said to the pupils not to open their books. 7. She asked him if he could borrow her his textbook 8. My mother said to me that I would go to the cinema the next day 9. Mother said to Tom to go to bed 10. Nellie said to Pete that she had never seen his toys 11. He asked her if she had bought the dictionary 12. Grandfather asked Mary if she had got some marks at school 13. Our grandmother said to us we would go to the zoo the next day. 14. Mother said to Pete not to forget to wash his hands. 15. Nick said to his mother he was doing his homework. 16. Tom asked her if she knew the name of the man 17. Mike said to the teacher he had learnt a long poem 18. The man said to the boys not to play in the street. 19. My mother asked me why I don't drink my tea. 20. My friend asked me when I had received that letter. 21. Johnny said to his mother he had seen his friend at the stadium the day before. 22. The boys asked to Pete if he would play football with them. 23. The teacher said to the 8BIA grade they had already understood the theme speech and she was so happy then. 24. Ada asked me where I had seen such trees.