1. - It's cold in here. - I'll close the window.
2. My cousin plays guitar in a rock band.
3. Why didn't you call me last night?
4. Jane drinks coffee every morning.
5. What are you looking at?
6. I live here all my life.
7. When I was a child I always spent holidays at the seaside.
8. She was walking around the garden and smelling the flowers.
9. He was studying to become a lawyer.
10. Next weekend I'm going to visit my grandparents.
11. The Olympic Games take place every four years.
12. Last summer was very rainy.
13. - The phone is ringing. - I'll answer it.
14. I promise, I'll never tell him about it.
15. John have been ill for two weeks.
2. Кто она? - а. моя старшая сестра
3. Кто они такие? - b. книги
4. Кто он? - d. мой младший брат
5. Это маленький шимпанзе? - с.нет. это медведь
Привет, меня зовут 1) Frank. Это мои мама и папа. Их зовут 2) Linda и 3) Tom. 4) Judy - моя старшая сестра и 5) Brian - младший брат. Мы счастливая семья!