Someone who interviews people is an interviewer. Someone who plays football is a football player. Someone who eats well is a good eater. Someone who paints houses is a painter. Someone who sleeps well is a good sleeper. Someone who rules the country is a ruler. Someone who kills animals is a killer. Someone who explores new lands is a explorer. Someone who makes or repairs shoes is a shoemaker. Someone who always causes trouble is a trouble maker. Someone who makes clothes as a job is a dressmaker. Someone who makes films is a filmmaker. Someone who has travelled to another ... is a traveller.
1) a) (TO DO) Present perfect I have done you have done he/she/it has done we have done you have done they have done
b)Present perfect I have come you have come he/she/it has come we have come you have come they have come
c) ((TO HAVE)) Present perfect I have had you have had he/she/it has had we have had you have had they have had
d) ((TO SEE)) Present perfect I have seen you have seen he/she/it has seen we have seen you have seen they have seen
e) ((TO FIND)) Present perfect I have found you have found he/she/it has found we have found you have found they have found
f) ((TO COOK)) Present perfect I have cooked you have cooked he/she/it has cooked we have cooked you have cooked they have cooked
g) ((TO INVITE)) Present perfect I have invited you have invited he/she/it has invited we have invited you have invited they have invited
h)(( TO VISIT )) Present perfect I have visited you have visited he/she/it has visited we have visited you have visited they have visited
i) (( TO TRANSLATE)) Present perfect I have translated you have translated he/she/it has translated we have translated you have translated they have translated
j) ((TO ASK)) Present perfect I have asked you have asked he/she/it has asked we have asked you have asked they have asked