Инфинитив – это форма глагола, которая обозначает действие или состояние, но не привязана к определенному лицу или числу. Он обычно образуется при помощи частицы "to" + основная форма глагола.
Теперь давайте рассмотрим предложения и определим функцию инфинитива в каждом из них:
1. He advised us to spend a night in the basement.
Функция инфинитива: инфинитив является частью глагола "to spend" и обозначает цель или рекомендацию действия, высказанного главным глаголом "advised".
2. You can leave any time.
Функция инфинитива: инфинитив здесь является частью модального глагола "can" и обозначает возможность действия, высказанного глаголом "leave".
3. We began to work on the problem.
Функция инфинитива: инфинитив является частью глагола "to work" и обозначает начало или цель действия, высказанного глаголом "began".
4. The tourists made a fire to warm up the kettle.
Функция инфинитива: инфинитив здесь является частью глагола "to warm" и обозначает цель действия, высказанного глаголом "made".
5. It is great fun to swim with dolphins.
Функция инфинитива: инфинитив является частью глагола "to swim" и обозначает цель или характер действия, высказанного глаголом "is".
6. The police asked us to tell what we saw.
Функция инфинитива: инфинитив является частью глагола "to tell" и обозначает цель или просьбу действия, высказанного глаголом "asked".
7. The two lovers went out so as to listen to nightingales.
Функция инфинитива: инфинитив является частью синонимичного словосочетания "so as to listen" и обозначает цель действия, высказанного глаголом "went out".
8. I am too old to make such journeys.
Функция инфинитива: инфинитив является частью глагола "to make" и обозначает причину или невозможность действия, высказанного главным глаголом "am".
9. To walk every day is good for health.
Функция инфинитива: инфинитив является частью существительного "To walk" и выступает как подлежащее предложения, указывающее на то, какая деятельность полезна для здоровья.
10. We are so happy to visit him on weekends.
Функция инфинитива: инфинитив является частью глагола "to visit" и обозначает цель или побуждение действия, высказанного глаголом "are".
Надеюсь, эта информация поможет вам лучше понять функции инфинитива в каждом предложении.
1. I love detective stories. I read all the classic novels about Sherlock Holmes, Hercule Poirot, Miss Marple, and others.
To answer this question, we need to identify the verb that collocates with "I" and "the classic novels about Sherlock Holmes, Hercule Poirot, Miss Marple, and others." The verb that fits here is "read," which means to look at written words and understand what they mean. So, the correct verb form is "read."
2. My favorite detective is Miss Marple. In Agatha Christie's books, she is described as a delicate elderly woman.
To answer this question, we need to identify the verb that collocates with "she" and "a delicate elderly woman." The verb that fits here is "describe," which means to give an account in words of someone or something, including all the relevant characteristics, qualities, or events. So, the correct verb form is "describe."
3. Miss Marple loved growing roses and often invited other villagers to tea in her house.
To answer this question, we need to identify the verb that collocates with "Miss Marple" and "other villagers." The verb that fits here is "invite," which means to ask someone politely to come somewhere. So, the correct verb form is "invite."
4. She did not look different from the other neighbors.
To answer this question, we need to identify the verb that collocates with "she" and "different from the other neighbors." The verb that fits here is "look," which means to appear or seem. However, since the sentence is negative, we need to use the negative form of the verb "look," which is "not look."
5. However, when a crime occurred, she was often more effective than the police. The police officers respected her analytical mind and attention to detail.
To answer this question, we need to identify the verb that collocates with "she" and "more effective than the police." The verb that fits here is "be," which means to exist or make up the essence or identity of someone or something. So, the correct verb form is "be."
6. They always found the old lady's advice helpful.
To answer this question, we need to identify the verb that collocates with "they" and "the old lady's advice." The verb that fits here is "find," which means to discover or perceive by chance or unexpectedly. So, the correct verb form is "found."
7. Miss Marple herself believed that it was her life experience that helped solve crimes.
To answer this question, we need to identify the pronoun that refers to Miss Marple. The pronoun that fits here is "she," which refers to Miss Marple. So, the correct pronoun form is "she."