Iam reading a book now. i am not reading a book now. am i reading a book now? he is playing tennis now. he isn"t playing tennis now. is she dancing? you are not coming. the children are playing in the room now. are they watching tv now? he isn"t playing football. he is playing basketball. is he playing basketball? did he work last sunday? we had a good time last summer. they went to italy yesterday. they did"t go to usa yesterday. did she read books last evening? he was in london last winter. was he in london last winter? he wasn"t in london last winter. he was at home last week. where was he last week? the book was dull. was the book dull?
1. Linda might come to the party tonight. (Сегодня вечером на вечеринку может прийти Линда) 2. Farmers have to work all the year round. (Фермерам приходится работать круглый год.) 3. You must not make noise in hospital. (Вы не должны шуметь в больнице.) 4. May I switch on the light? (Можно включить свет?) 5. Could I look at your passport? (Могу я взглянуть на ваш паспорт?) 6. My wife can cook quite well. (Моя жена умеет готовить довольно-таки хорошо.) 7. We were able to catch the last train. (Мы смогли успеть на последний поезд) 8. You must not wear jeans to school. (В школу нельзя носить джинсы/Вы не должны носить джинсы в школу). 9. You didn't have to drink so much yesterday. (Тебе не надо было так много пить вчера) 10. Robert ought to pay the electricity bill today. (Роберт должен оплатить счет за электроэнергию сегодня.) 11. We should find a better job. (Нам следует найти работу получше.) 12. You shouldn't eat too much salt and sugar. (Вы не должны есть слишком много соли и сахара)
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