My favorite sport is volleyball, because it's a beautiful sport, where two teams face on a smooth pitch separated by a central network.Girls and boys can play. You need a ball, shorts, a T-shirt, sports sneakers. One player will captain the team. Also make up the team a coach, an assistant, masseuse, etc... The whole team are a total of 14 players.Basic rules: Players must keep the ball touches the ground within their filed because if not, we point to the opposing team. If the ball goes just outside the rink, it is a misguided attack on the opponent or a mistake in trying to defend. I really volleyball it for the fact that it is never worth the time, we always rushing somewhere and move... And I like to throw the ball to the enemy, and stay ahead of the opponent.
Hi Julia. I want to invite you to a party in honor of my Birthday. It will be held October 2 at 6 PM. Here's how to get. You sit on the subway and ride to Petushkova street, turn right and you will be in front of the Pet store. Then you turn to the left and to the right you will Pescherny transition. You need to go to the opposite side of the street, turn left and go to the Pharmacy. At the pharmacy to enter the archway at number 19 and walk to the entrance 3. Continue to climb to the 2nd floor and turn right. That's the whole way. Excited to meet you! Andrian
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