No wonder that Christmas is one of the most cherished and long-awaited holidays in Russia. Unlike many other countries it’s celebrated on the 7th of January, in accordance with the Orthodox calendar. Initially this day was linked with many folk customs. Some areas still keep up with the tradition of carols’ singing and masking on the night of January 6th. Traditional meal for Christmas in Russia is kutya. It’s sweet and delicious rice with raisins and dried fruits. From old times till now people are used to treating their relatives and neighbors with this dish. It is natural to sing carols in honor of Jesus Christ on this night. Since ancient times young girls used to practice divination during the Yuletide. It means they gathered together and did various manipulations to foresee the future. In some villages it was widespread to put up a straw stack in the yard and burn it. All the relatives would stand around the straw and watch it burn. It was believed that the dead ancestors returned for a moment to warm up by the fire, kindled by their descendents. In return they bestowed fertility to the living. In the past, Russian farmers had several other traditions. For example, it was considered a bad omen if the first footer on Christmas was a woman. It meant that all the women in this family would have health problems during the year. Another tradition was to clean the house on this day, to wash in the bath and to set a clean tablecloth for the year to bring good harvest. The main meal on Christmas table included roasted pork and other meat dishes, such as goose with apples, roasted poultry, lamb, fish, etc. There were also pancakes, casseroles, pies with various fillings. Basically, it was a large and important feast for every Russian family and it still is
Bank of native wildlife! I love to relax in nature. Walk in the woods, swim in the river. But lately we have polluted the seas and rivers, forests and steppes, which was scary for future generations. There is much talk about conservation. The schools have introduced the subject of the environment. These lessons are discussing the situation in the world, about how easily upset the balance of nature, but to restore the broken very difficult. Nature itself is recovering, but very slowly, so people have to protect and preserve the world in which they live. People in the pursuit of prestige and money have destroyed many animals, some species of which is impossible to recover or remaining units in some nature lovers. Predator chasing the animal wants one thing - to eat. He did not kill more than he needs. And there is harmony and balance. Man is destroying everything he sees, he needs more and more. As a result, he will destroy all life. I think that if each person will be clean in his backyard, in the forest, where the walks, the company that runs as change all around! I hope that people will come to their senses, stop destroying the land on which they live and understand that our planet is not for single use only.
Ты имееш компьютер. 1.Yes I Do! I have a computer. Вы мастер компьютер? 2.Unfortunately I'm not a master but I dream it to be. Сколько времени вы провели на вашем компьютере? 3.I spend at the computer from 15 to 20. and then do exercises for the eyes and sit down again for your computer. Есть ли у вас доступ к нету. 4.Yes of course. Как часто вы путешествуете? Когда вы обычно серфинга? 5.I do not travel a lot, and in general it is not mine. I do not surf. 1.Да ! У меня есть компьютер. 2. К сожалению, я не мастер, а я мечтаю, чтобы это было. 3.Я провести за компьютером от 15 до 20. а затем делать упражнения для глаз и снова сесть за компьютер. 4.Да конечно. 5. Я не путешествую много, и в целом это не мое. Я не путешествовать.