19 Смотрите, прочтите и заполните.
Мои соседи!
Это мистер Хэмс. Он механик, но
он гол 2)
машина в мире! Как весело!
Это миссис Смит, она живет по соседству с нами.
(добрая) медсестра она всегда
смотрит на людей, когда они больны
я живу
хо мир!
ню прекрасный
Миссис Кармен живет напротив моего дома. Она
официантка и ее повар продают 4)
(последнее) торты в нашей деревне. Вкуснятина!
80 80 000
הם סתם
Послушайте, мистер Ян, мистер Ян - архитектор, поэтому он
имеет гол 5)
(большой) дом в
поселок! Вау!
Jack London - Martin Iden.
The genre is drama, adventure.
The book tells us a story of young sailor who is fond of writing books, this is a story of how ambitious one must be not to give up doing something and go through all the struggles just to reach the target. Martin Iden starts to educate himself and constantly writes stories. He sends them to newspapers hoping they will be published but the directors usually reject explainig that the stories are boring, no one will read them and that he is an unknown author. One day he becomes famous because one well known newspaper prints his novel. That is when all his enemies try to become his friends, other newspapers ask him to send some of his works. Martin becomes very rich and famous. However he doesn't like these conditions and during his trip he jumps out of the boat into an open sea...
Some say Jack London wrote his own biography. This story makes us think deeply, to understand the situation of this poor boy. I strongly recommend this book to everyone as the plot is very interesting and it is easy to read.