By 20I5, the number of cars on our roads will have been doubled.
К 2015 году количество машин на наших дорогах удвоится.
Future Perfect, Passive Voice (to double)
Today people call the M25 the biggest car park in Europe.
Сегодня люди называют (трассу) М25 самой большой автостоянкой в Европе.
Present Simple, Active Voice (to call)
In both town and country, the greatest nuisance is always caused to those living, working and walking within the road's noise zone.
И в городе, и в селе самые большие неприятности всегда испытывают те, кто живёт, работает и ходит в пределах шумовой зоны дороги.
Present Simple, Passive Voice (to cause)
The first artificially constructed roads were made in mountainous and forested country.
Первые искусственнные дороги были построены в гористой и лесистой местности.
Past Simple, Passive Voice (to make)
The underpasses in Dusseldorf had been created attractive to pedestrians.
Подземные переходы в Дюсельдорфе были созданы для пешеходов.
Present Perfect, Passive Voice (to create)
Cars are symbols of freedom, wealth and masculinity.
Автомобили – символы свободы, богатства и мужественности.
Present Simple, Active Voice (to be)
Вопрос: Have some cities found solutions to their traffic problems?
ответ: Some of them have found solutions to their traffic problems.
I very like ( название предмета, который ведет учительница (учитель)) because our teacher very smart and kind (имя учительницы(учителя)). Every lesson (имя учительницы( учителя)) told us someone interesting and we listen she/ he with pleasure. My teacher- true professional in their field.
I belive that this lesson will helped me in future.
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