take part IN
to be involved IN/WITH
can’t do WITHOUT
to help needy people BY donating money
to make hometown better BY cleaning up parks
look forward TO doing charity projects
donate money TO/ON charity
to contribute TO
to raise money FOR helping homeless people
На такие задания очень сложно давать точные ответы, поскольку каждое учебное пособие преподаёт по-своему. И, соответственно, требует по-разному. Я вставил предлоги в устойчивые выражения. Но (!) понадобились для этого не все предлоги. К примеру, я никогда не слышал, чтобы говорили donate money ON charity
. Говорят donate money TO charity. Однако, думаю, от вас потребуют именно вариант с ON. Словом, я перебрал для вас все возможные варианты.
Russia is one of the largest countries in the world. It occupies a big part of dry land. The country is known as a Legend Empire, because it has been suffering from foreign invasion and dominance by outsiders from times immemorial, but still strong and alive.The country divided by Ural mountain range in two big parts is full of controversies. People who live close to Europe are not the same with Russians from the other side of the Ural. Russia is rich in such natural treasures as coal, oil, nickel, copper, natural gas and even diamonds. The oversize of the territory determines a big variety of climates: from arctic to subtropical one. In the centre of the country there is a temperate climate. One of the main sources of pride in Russia is unique nature from East to West. The country is rich in numerous lakes, rivers and woods.
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